Posts tagged ‘10 year high school reunion’

Purple Vintage Space Princess High School Reunion pt. 1

Purple Vintage Space Princess High School Reunion pt. 1


Good evening kids!

I had quite an evening yesterday and I’m still in recovery from the event…
I had the pleasure of meeting up with old friends (I’m talking people from elementary – high school days) and meeting new friends all in the same night. It was truly wild! We all met at the Amherst Brewing Company!
Amherst Brewing Company

My official 10 year high school reunion was a month ago but I wasn’t able to attend. I was grilled like a “well done” steak on why I didn’t attend from countless people because some classmates trekked it overseas and even committed crimes just in order to make it (okay… no one committed any crimes… I just felt like saying that). Well, a hardy round of applause goes to them. WELL DONE!
To be quite honest – yes, I could have moved a meeting or two and could have planned my performances around the official reunion date but I honestly didn’t feel the need to, I was busy! I had attended a 6 year reunion that had been put together and I reunited with all of my people then, not to mention Facebook has been a godsend for reconnecting with old friends. So why inconvenience myself? Of course no one wanted to hear the hard core truth but the P.V.S.P dishes it out just as it is and they ate it up!
To be honest AGAIN, after numerous pictures were posted on Facebook of the official reunion last month I became very nostalgic and started missing my friends madly. I had a brief moment when I pondered: Why didn’t I push and rearrange my life to be there???? That’s when I knew something had to be done. I had to see my people! 
My thoughts became reality last night and I had a BLAST! So many faces that I hadn’t seen in 5, 7, even 10 years… some literally on graduation day. It was a mind trip. I felt like I was back in high school in the lunch room or something. All of these familiar faces. Even MORE familiar faces popped into the venue (The Amherst Brewing Company, in Amherst Massachusetts) because its around the holidays and so many people are visiting their families. It was as if people received a town e-mail to march them selves over to the bar to meet up.

I bet you are all wondering when I am going to cut to the chase and share some scandalous stories of woe, right? I know, I know!!!

I feel extremely lame to report that I don’t have ANY! That’s right folks, not-a-ONE! I don’t have any tragic stories that will have you gripping yourselves and praying the story to end… or to continue for that matter. I know its a good thing, of course but isn’t it at least somewhat expected to have at least one good story to share with all people (especially folks who read this who don’t know what or who the hell I am talking about… at least you could relate to a damn good reunion tale). I’ve got nothing that will entertain you, and practically nothing for my fellow classmates either.

Well… there were several people that DRAAAAAASTICALY drastically changed in appearance. Yes, how small of me to mention it ,right? WRONG! Why shouldn’t I bring that up? That is something that I can’t possibly ignore – when someone has gained 200lbs and not recognizable? Or noticing that someone has fallen prey to the plastic surgery gods not for better but for WORSE. Eeeeks, yes it was all present right in front of my face. Its so funny that none of them happened to be my close friends though. Hmmm…. lucky for me that I don’t have to diss my people. BECAUSE I WOULD THROW CAUTION TO THE WIND AND DO IT. I WOULD!!! hee hee.

I did, BTW take some video footage throughout the night. It’s nothing major but its always fun to watch, even if you don’t know the people. There was some drunk loser of a fool who kept jumping off the balcony of the bar last night and rolling in the snow. He was making such an ass of himself. I felt bad for him… so in need of attention and love. Well, he certainly came to the wrong place to find it! I caught him on tape. Stay tuned for that later!

In all, I had such a good time. I laughed all throughout the night and into the early morning. My good friend gave me a ride back home and thats how my evening ended. I went to sleep at nearly 6 in the morning and actually thought that I would be able to have a reunion part 2 later on today. YEAH RIGHT! I am still so tired from all the energy that I put out last night. That wasn’t going to happen although I would have loved to do it all again. I didn’t even really drink, its just the energy was so high and intense! I gave so much… I’m totally depleted – it was worth it.

 I stayed at home, got some work done and stuffed my face with x-mas leftovers. YUM! Its been a beautiful day.

More from your princess later!

with love, xoxo! 

December 28, 2008 at 3:00 am 2 comments

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